Coffee guide

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Make Restaurant-Like Coffee at Home?

Coffee can be enjoyed in many ways. Different people have different tastes-probably the reason why there are concoctions sprouting left and right to cater to the varying palates. Not a lot of us coffee drinkers know how to make coffee. We savor the taste of every cup without having to make our own-owing it to the coffee shops we can find on every corner.

* Selecting the beans

It all starts where coffee starts-the beans. Good quality beans will produce
good quality coffee. You may think that what is good for someone is not
necessarily good for you. True. And that is one irresolvable issue because,
again, we have different tastes. This is why we are going to tackle this issue
at a different angle. By good beans we mean those beans that have maintained
their quality right from when you purchase them up to the time you brew a batch.
Therefore, enjoying good quality coffee will highly depend you.

* Selecting the right packaging

After you have selected which type of coffee you like, you then
proceed to inspecting the packaging. The coffee beans should not be stored where
it is exposed to air. The tendency is it loses its flavor. What you have to know
is that freshly roasted coffee beans emit certain gases that may build up in the
bag. You should let the coffee beans breathe out the gas but not breathe in the
air. Hence, suppliers have these bags with small, one-way valves. It allows the
gases produced by the coffee beans to exit the bag without letting the air
enter. Another plus is you can store freshly roasted beans immediately after
cooling down so it will not lose its flavor.

* Storing the beans at home

You may have been assured of good quality beans from the time
they were roasted up to the time you take the bag home. Now you have to think of
maintaining its quality from the time you open the bag. The solution is an
airtight container. Grind only a certain amount of beans-enough for the batch
you are about to brew. Then store the remaining beans in the airtight container.
If you grind a lot of beans but you will not brew them immediately, chances are
it loses its flavor.

* Knowing the grind

A good quality coffee grinder offers different settings as to
the coarseness of grind. What you should know is that the coarseness should be
compatible with the coffee brewer to produce an excellent brew. Coarse grind is
compatible with French presses and percolators. Medium grind is for most
drip-type brewers. And the fine grind is used for espresso machines. If you want
to brew a strong batch of coffee using drip-type brewer, opt to use slightly
finer grind.

* Brewing to perfection

Water plays an important role because it can highly affect the taste of the
coffee even if you have excellent beans. Use water that you are comfortable
drinking. You do not have to worry about the temperature of the water and the
brewing time if your machine automates them. But if you are using French press,
do not use boiling water. Allow a minute or two before pouring in the water. And
brew the batch three to five minutes.

You can now be assured of savoring a good cup of coffee. Knowing how to make coffee will definitely make our coffee connoisseur level higher.

Yogi Shinde offers coffee maker reviews on various brands like Braun, Krups, Black and Decker coffee makers and many others, helping you find the best coffee maker to suit your needs.

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