If you are having a large gathering, one of the nicest things that you could possibly do for them is to have plenty of fresh coffee available. Very few people who enjoy coffee would pass up an opportunity to drink a nice hot cup at any gathering. Of course, when you are making coffee for a large group, you're going to have to go about it in a different way than if you were only making coffee for a handful of people.
Use the Right Size Coffee Maker
The first thing that you are going to need whenever you are making coffee for a large group is a coffee maker that is able to brew enough for everybody at one time. The last thing that you want to do is to stand in the kitchen, brewing pot after pot and only serving eight to 10 people at a time.
There are several different machines that are an excellent choice for brewing a large batch of coffee and do an excellent job of it. There are some things, however, that you are going to need to keep in mind.
Use the Best Ingredients
Regardless of whether you are making coffee for large group or if you're only making it for an intimate gathering, the ingredients that go into the pot are going to make the difference in what comes out of it.
First of all, the coffee beans that you use can make all the difference whenever it comes to the way that the coffee tastes. This is especially true when ever you are making coffee for a large group and the bean that you choose should be one that would appeal to the most people.
Another thing that you want to keep in mind is the fact that coffee is basically a water-based drink. If you use inferior water to fill the coffee pot, you are going to come out with an inferior brew. Be sure to use fresh, cold water and a clean pot to make your coffee taste great.
Don't Forget the Creamer
Lastly, you need to make sure that you have all of the condiments that are necessary to go along with the perfect cup of coffee. Even if you don't care for cream or sugar in your coffee, there is bound to be somebody at your gathering that does. For those individuals, it makes all the difference of whether they are going to enjoy the cup of coffee or not.
If you get all of these things right, you will surely make great coffee that will leave a lasting impression on any large group.
There are several different elements that go into making the perfect cup of coffee, especially when you are doing so for a large group of people. If you get the right coffee maker, beans, and extras right, folks will enjoy every cup that you make for them.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anya_Richfield